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Lyn Ashley Music Publishing (ASCAP) & Aliso Conejo Publishing (BMI)
Barb Roy-Bridges

You are listening to "LOVING YOU IS A BAD HABIT"


Listen to Barb's Music at the bottom of this page

There are so many decisions that a writer has to make when constructing a song. Initially, questions such as: What style(s)? What type? What length? How many sections? What audience? What range? dictate which direction the writing may take. An issue that can easily muddy the waters in trying to determine what's best for the song, is the desire of the writer to classify the song (sometimes, perhaps prematurely) as it relates to others - both past and present.

Success - its nature and degree - is only measurable in retrospect. This makes attempting to write "popular" music rather paradoxical from the outset. By definition, "popular" means that which is commonly accepted or prevalent. But, by nature, we also know it to be fleeting for, as tastes change, so does the object of popularity. Basing musical choices on the current fad can, therefore, feel like playing a form of catch-up.

This knowledge has caused songwriters (and other industry figures) much debate as to whether or not the label "Pop" may be considered a style or not. Like other forms, its appeal is cyclic. Also, like other forms, it possesses variations within itself. Too, many recognized "Pop" songs have come to be viewed as "classics" or, songs that have sustained appeal and regard throughout time.

These thoughts cause this writer to wonder whether or not the terming of current music as "Pop" is misapplied. It certainly doesn't seem terribly helpful as regards descriptiveness when you consider the sub-titles that it has already spawned (Bubblegum, Easy Listening, etc.) to help listeners identify the specific brand of Pop being discussed.

In general, today's music is an eclectic pool of combined styles. Even Country music has moved from its folky roots through periods of "Country & Western", "Contemporary Country" (Easy Listening "Pop" influences) and, is now headed toward "Rockin' Country". Makes a writer wonder whether classification is all that important at present. Regardless, as always, a song that is well-written and true to itself in a heartfelt kind of way will eventually find its home. Write it up!

Professional Singer/Songwriter, Barb Roy-Bridges, owns and operates Scarlettown Music, specializing in services for performing artists as well as songwriters. http://scarlettown.cjb.net

(click title to start song)

Loving You Is A Bad Habit

Breaking The Chains

The One That I Want
