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Lyn Ashley Music Publishing (ASCAP) & Aliso Conejo Publishing (BMI)
Reb Robinson

You are listening to "DEAD END STREET" off of her "PRETTY LIES" CD


Listen to Reb's Music at the bottom of this page

Reb, (Debra) Robinson is a singer/songwriter with a unique sound and style. Her credits include publishing contracts with major publishers in Nashville and L.A, as well as Kudo's from former President George Bush, and Senator John Glenn, for the song she wrote and performed at the time of the Gulf War called "FREEDOM", which became a number one requested hit receiving major regional airplay.

She began writing and playing at age 14, and went on the road with a rock band playing the midwestern/southern US for five years, before settling in Ohio. She played many live performances during her years on the road, as she honed her songwriting style, including a party for publisher Larry Flynt.

In her private studio, Reb writes, plays and records jingles for regional radio and TV, and writes and co-writes songs for publishers, and an upcoming CD.

She has been likened to Bonnie Raitt, Celine Dion, and Janis Joplin rolled into one. She has a large regional

following, and many friends and fans. Reb is now playing live in an acoustic trio, called "The Geo Trio", with veteran performers George Tsantis, and Gary Lewis.

(click title to start song)

Dead End Street

Dark Eyes

Border Town

If You Only Knew

I'm Not Beautiful

Someone To Love Me

Stone Cold Heart

Strike Up The Band